
In January 2015, a pastor, two kids, and a pregnant nurse began a journey into unknown territory.  We didn’t exactly know where we were headed.  But as we put on foot in front of the other and took simple steps, God’s given us more and more clarity on our calling and mission.

The Herrick Mission is real simple  We want to:

Multiply Peace in Every Area of Our Lives.

We think the common ache in the soul of every person we encounter is a lack of peace– Relational peace, mental peace, spiritual peace– There’s a feeling of restlessness, hopelessness, suspicion, and discouragement.

We’re Christians.  But we believe whether you’re Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or atheist, everyone wants peace.  Everyone wants rest for their souls.  Everyone wants the feeling that their lives have purpose, meaning, value.  Everyone wants the weight from their past mistakes off their shoulders, and hope for a better tomorrow.

And Kristi and I believe our mission is about saturating the world around us, everywhere we go, with that kind of peace.  The Bible paints this picture of people who know Jesus with rivers of water flowing out of their hearts, overflowing onto the people wth whom they contact, and bringing deadness, and joylessness, and hopelessness back to life.  And that’s the way we want to orient every square inch of our lives.  And that’s how we want to teach and encourage others to live.

That’s the mission.  And our prayer is that God will multiply it!