The Real Saul: Generational Baggage

As I mentioned in my introductory post, I’m working on a character study of Saul called “The Real Saul.”  Of course, when I say Saul, I don’t mean the Saul of the New Testament who also went by “Paul.”  I mean the Old Testament Saul from the book of 1 Samuel. . . the one who was king, and tried to harpoon David

The Real Saul: Introduction

Several years ago, I wrote a series of posts on a previous blog I authored, called “The Real Saul.”  I decided to reintroduce and re-vamp those posts today after reading through the book of 1 Samuel.  I am always challenged by Saul’s story, and so I thought I’d share some of my observations that I first wrote about seven years

Baptisms At Waterfront

A friend of mine named Steve Alley took these shots with a Go Pro camera at one of our baptism services.  I edited the video together, and I thought it came out looking awesome!

Beginning a Mission

Today I am re-starting a blog to help you follow the Herricks on our journey of discovery in the next several months and years.  We hope to share the goings-on of our family life, what is happening in our ministry, and what God has for us in the future.  This is a place where we will process the things God’s
