The Real Saul: In My Corner

Previously, in this series I’ve posted about the fact that Saul was crippled by insecurities.  God told him he was gonna be king.  Saul didn’t believe God.  In fact he hid.  And when scoundrels criticized Saul’s ability, I think seeds of doubt started imbedding themselves deep within Saul’s heart– seeds that would reappear later in life. But this passage. . . This passage is

The Real Saul: Sticks and Stones

I was in the seventh grade, sitting in art class.  We sat at tables instead of desks, four to each station.  And with my head down, I doodled on my art project, trying to eaves-drop on the conversation happening around me. See, my older, High School-aged brother had visited my Middle School that morning for reasons I can’t recall– some sort of project with

The Real Saul: Why We Hide

I remember several occasions growing up, on average spring days, my family would drop what we were doing, and we’d go hide in a closet.  I grew up in Amarillo,TX, a city that is far from the threat of hurricanes and earthquakes, but right in the middle of tornado alley– that thin vertical strip of tornado activity hovering over middle America.  My hometown sits in the center of

The Real Saul: Metamorphosis

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to know some people who’ve struggled with addictions– Substance abuse, alcoholism.  I’ve known people on the verge of killing themselves and wrecking their families.  And . . . I’ve known people who’ve done tremendous work kicking those addictions and saving themselves in the process. And I would say nine times out of ten, there

The Real Saul: Too Small

I’m continuing my little character study on Saul out of the book of 1 Samuel . . . taking a look at what made him tick.  And as I’ve said before, I think Saul’s story and eventual downfall were a result of some deep-rooted insecurities.  Last time, we looked at Saul’s family history, all of the baggage that came with being a

Revelation Song

I want to share a video of one of my favorite moments as a worship leader over the last few months.  Worship ministry is a role from which I’ve recently stepped away, but I have many great memories to cherish from that season.  One of those memories is this song, sung by my step-daughter Olivia.  Olivia has a beautiful voice, and it’s been
